
If You Think Cindy Crawford Is Over, You Are Wrong

Cindy Crawford was the first model I fell in love with. I must've been about twelve and I saw the magazine cover she with with KD Lang. ...

Cindy Crawford was the first model I fell in love with. I must've been about twelve and I saw the magazine cover she with with KD Lang. Cindy was in this little black bathing suit, had her head all tilted back and had KD's head back against his crazy stacked chest. KD was all lathered up in shaving cream and Cindy was pretending to shave her.
That image is burned into my memory as one of the hottest things my young eyes had ever seen. Here in Cabo San Lucas, Cindy is strutting it on the beach and although you can see her age a very little bit, for a woman of 45, she looks absolutely incredible. To be honest, she looks damn good for a woman of any age. Cindy is still, even after all these years, one of the most beautiful women in the world. I absolutely love her.

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