Farrah Abraham
Real Life
Teen Mom Farrah Abraham Shows Up This Time With Dad
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I don't like Teen Mom. I don't like anything about it. I'm not a super conservative person. In fact, I'm about as far from a super conservative person as people can get. I didn't get the big deal about Janet Jackson's nipple at the Super Bowl. I don't think a performer dropping the occasional f-bomb on live TV is anything to get all worked up over.
Sex and violence on television isn't an issue for me. Teen Mom, however, really irks me. When I was a teenager, I knew a lot of teen mothers. My best friend got pregnant when she was fifteen. She was terrified to tell her guardian so I went to her doctor's appointment with her. I saw the look on her face when the doctor told her she was pregnant. She'd been with the same guy - a guy I had been firsts with since first grade, longer than I knew her, actually - for two years. I was the one she came to when he left her because he said he was too young to be a father.
More than all of that, I saw what a mess her life was after she had her baby. I can't help thinking about that friend everything I see Farrah Abraham or any of her Teen Mom cast mates. They make it look glamorous. You know what's missing from these pictures? Her freaking child. She's living the dream now and why? Because she popped out a baby when she was still a baby.
There are now stories hitting the news of girls that are fifteen or sixteen years old getting pregnant to get a spot on Teen Mom. Does anyone else see something wrong with that picture?