
Jennifer Tilly: Fat Or Fit, Leaving Up To You

We’ve seen Jennifer Tilly’s copious cleavage on the brink of spilling out of her dress wherever she goes; we’ve seen it in all its naked s...

We’ve seen Jennifer Tilly’s copious cleavage on the brink of spilling out of her dress wherever she goes; we’ve seen it in all its naked splendor in films like Shadow of the Wolf, The Getaway, Dancing at the Blue Iguana, Fast Sofa, and Hollywood North.

And now, from St. Tropez, comes the one thing we haven’t seen it in: a swimsuit.How it is that Jennifer has evaded being photographed in this one genre of clothing I’ll never know. But better late than never.

“But wait a moment,” you say. “After your little Heather Graham remarks when she appeared in a bathing suit last, you have nothing snarky to say about Jennifer Tilly being a little thick below the bustline?” Maybe I would ... if my eyes ever made it past her bustline. But that hasn’t happened yet. And besides, loon though Jennifer may be — or pretend to be — personality goes a long way. Jennifer has that; Heather does not.

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