Mermaid In Pool, Bai Ling Will Get Her Shot This Year

Bai Ling seems to have all the tools necessary to be successful but she is still struggling, but seems now she got her shot. Pet Semetary...

Bai Ling seems to have all the tools necessary to be successful but she is still struggling, but seems now she got her shot. Pet Semetary director Mary Lambert is working on a ocean horror movie starring Bai Ling as a blood-thirsty fish zombie who can materialize over any body of water.
The beachy horror is called Hydrophobia.

The film seems to still be in deep development stages but Nathan Philips is now being rumored to have joined up with the rest of the cast. Here's the official synopsis:

"Mick Bigman has a problem. He comes from a long line of surfers; his father was an amateur surfer, his grandfather Rod Bigman a surf champion who appeared in 1960's beach movies like Beach Bongo. Unfortunately, Nick suffers from Hydrophobia, an anxiety disorder that plagues many Americans who suffer from this extreme fear of the water.

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