
Jennifer Lopez Got A New Guy And New Looks

Whenever we think, talk or write about Jennifer Lopez we try to repeat that how much we love her. Now that "American Idol" is on t...

Whenever we think, talk or write about Jennifer Lopez we try to repeat that how much we love her. Now that "American Idol" is on the air again and I'm seeing her several times a week on television, I love her even more. I'm a bit hot and cold on Jennifer's music although I love her acting but I really became a fan with "Idol".
She's had a hard time escaping the 'diva' label and I think the show is finally starting to help her do that. Each time an episode airs, we get to see Jennifer as a real person who sincerely seems to care about the contestants on the show. Here in Rio De Janeiro, Jennifer is showing off two things I've always loved about J-Lo - her body and her confidence. This woman is all woman. Love to see her doing so well again.

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