Rita Rusic
Rita Rusic, 51, Shows Ageless Body With A Celestial Necklace
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
but it simply highlighted her superb shape. The outgoing Italian - Croatian has spent the last few days flaunting her amazingly toned body. She's showcased a range of pretty, and itsy bitsy bikinis over the past few days. Today it was the turn of a cherry red bikini which Rita accessorised with the eye-catching gold necklace. She certainly deserves a gold star for her bikini body, if not the entire brace she was wearing around her neck. Given her delectable form, it's no surprise that she has managed to bag a strapping young man and she was seen cavorting in the sea with him. The tanned handsome man was seen enjoying an embrace with beautiful Rita in the turquoise water. She clasped her hands around his neck as she searched the mid-distance.