
Selena Gomez Gets Drunk And Fights With Justin Bieber

Honestly, let me clear this, I don't care if Selena Gomez might have been served booze at a sports bar in the Panhandle this weekend. Qu...

Honestly, let me clear this, I don't care if Selena Gomez might have been served booze at a sports bar in the Panhandle this weekend. Quite frankly, when you're making millions and traveling the world and supporting entourages and crew and families with paychecks, you're entitled to a brewski in my book.
Heck, Drew Barrymore was doing so at nine and nobody gave a damn. But what piques our interest more, even more than just seeing our hot and belusted Selena Gomez candidly rosy in the cheeks, was the rumor that after knocking back a few, Selena chased her lesbian teen midget boyfriend out into the parking lot of the sports bar in some type of altercation. Obviously, we don't fear for Selena's physical safety in this regard. Even at her petite stature she still has 20 lbs of punching power on Justin Bieber, easy, but more just hoping that this argument would finally lead to the breakup we've been praying for for some time now. Probably not, but we still light the candles.

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