Courtney Stodden
Courtney Stodden Is Doing Her Grocery Shopping With Her "Doug"
Sunday, April 29, 2012
kids from Myanmar we pay in Fun Dip candy packs who absolutely think underaged Courtney Stodden is the skanky bomb. I deny them their Courtney, all of a sudden my Facebook Mafia Wars account disappears. It's like that around here.) Courtney Stodden, or as we like to think of her, hit the grocery story in her super tight dress and pushed up everything underneath, in order to shop for a couple essentials, essentials such as gawks, stares, and attention. Her grandpa/husband/stat rapist stood at her side, carrying the heavier items such as guilt, shame, and awkwardness. It was another Courtney Stodden moment, we share with you, and please our angry elves.