
Katy Perry Gets Into Awkward Situation, Flashes Her Rear Cheeks

There are a lot of things Katy Perry could be accused of. Some say her music is a little lacking on originality. Some say she likes to use a...

There are a lot of things Katy Perry could be accused of. Some say her music is a little lacking on originality. Some say she likes to use a lot of flash to disguise the fact that she isn't all that talented. I disagree on both counts but that's kind of beside the point. While people may throw a lot of accusations her way,
one thing I doubt anyone will ever claim is that Katy is too modest. She proves why here at the Cirque du Soleil nightclub in London. Perhaps she was intending to wear a skirt and forgot or perhaps she just doesn't care if people can see a bit of her butt. Katy has always been the kind of girl that does what she wants without caring what people will think. I'm guessing that's the case here

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