We Got Vanessa Hudgens Accidentally While She Was Going To Gym

I had it out for Vanessa Hudgens for a long time and that really prevented me from giving this girl a fair shake. That was wrong. Her multip...

I had it out for Vanessa Hudgens for a long time and that really prevented me from giving this girl a fair shake. That was wrong. Her multiple naked photo scandals made me wonder what kind of celebrity she really is. There are celebrities out there who try to make a name for themselves based on talent and hard work.
There are others that leak a tape or controversial photos to garner more attention and to hide the fact that they're a one trick (or no trick) pony. I pegged Vanessa for the latter and I was wrong. That was then and this is now. I have a new respect for Vanessa. While taking the pictures was pretty foolish, I don't believe she had anything to do with them hitting the internet. I think she did a fantastic job weathering the storm though and came out a wiser person on the other side of it all. As she arrives at the gym in North Hollywood, Vanessa looks beautiful, casual and confident. I still not entirely sure how her career is going to shape up but I have a lot of hope for her. She's already seen the negative side of fame and has pressed on. That makes me think she has what it takes to have a long career in the entertainment industry.

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