
Katerina Graham Shows Us How Toned Her New Body Is

I am perhaps the biggest Kat Graham fan I know. I was first introduced to her through “The Vampire Diaries” and while I’m not as into the...

I am perhaps the biggest Kat Graham fan I know. I was first introduced to her through “The Vampire Diaries” and while I’m not as into the show as I once was, I am still madly in love with this beautiful lady. She’s proved to be a capable musican, dancer and actress but I think what I like most about her is her personality. She just seems like such a cool girl.
When I heard she went blond, I was skeptical but I have to admit, I’m really liking the new look. As Bonnie on “The Vampire Diaries” we don’t often get to see her sexier side and we don’t really get to see her doing anything out of the ordinary so it’s a nice change. She looks stunning. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her.

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