
Josie Canseco Enjoying The Day At The Beach In Miami

What I want to know is how paparazzi even knew this was Jose Canseco’s daughter Josie Canseco. Was her dad with her at the beach?

What I want to know is how paparazzi even knew this was Jose Canseco’s daughter Josie Canseco. Was her dad with her at the beach?
Did a friend hold up a card in front of the paparazzi announcing her name like they do on some red carpets? Because I wouldn’t recognize her if Jose Canseco hit me in the head with a bat. If you even tried to explain who she was to me, I’d probably punch you in the face and ask you where Paulina Gretzky was.

Josie Canseco is an ambitious teen model who loves to stick her tongue out on social media, and is not shy about inheriting the talents of her model mother who decided it was a good idea to try out making a family with Jose Canseco back in the 90's.

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