Jade Foret
Jade Foret In Her Bikini Are Full With Anticipation
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
I'm one day going to stop apologizing for my lust of all things pregnant hot women and just go on about my personal passion without the shame. Albeit, the shame does add a nice dollop of mustard to my lust-filled brat, as it were. Belgian hottie model Jade Foret is either married to or not yet married to the French billionaire who is 2.5 times her age and about a foot shorter.
I can't bother to check. I can tell you with my eyes alone she is going to be having his baby at some point in the not too distant future. I've been scanning these slightly swollen bikini pictures of Jade all morning like a doctor performing an exam. Only, I'm not a licensed physician, I'm not even qualified to be a patient. But I know hot bodies, and this one is getting bigger and hotter by the hour.