Leilani Dowding
Real Life
Work Out
Do You Know Who Is Leilani Dowding ?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
I saw these pictures and I'll be honest, I was a little surprised I've never heard this girl's name. Leilani Dowding has the sort of body type and the sort of face I'm typically attracted to. I've also made no secret of my love for dark haired girls. She's not skinny per say. She's athletic.
Her body is tight and toned and I appreciate a girl that works hard to stay in shape, and I think Leilani does. I looked into her story and found that she dropped out of college to pursue a career in modeling. Leilani Dowding became a "Page 3" girl and has gone on to do a few different reality TV shows. It surprises me that she hasn't amassed more modeling credits. Somebody get on that. I want to see more of this girl!