
51 The Ageless Wonder Rita Rusic Is Back On Miami Beach

Our favorite celebrity over 50, to be precise 51 the ageless wonder Rita Rusic is back on miami beach one more time to flaunt her hot half...

Our favorite celebrity over 50, to be precise 51 the ageless wonder Rita Rusic is back on miami beach one more time to flaunt her hot half-century old body in Miami over the weekend in two piece yellow bikini, showing off her inexplicably toned figure,
not to mention having all kind of heavy petting fun with the new dudes she's often seen with whose name we do not know, but whose age we put at somewhere in the vicinity of 20 years younger than Rita.

And, good for her, because what's good for the goose, is good for our long slow ganders at Rita Rusic suntanning, dressing, undressing, and pretty much anything else she does in one of her thirty seven or so bikinis and little dresses she uses to extra-cougar strutting to and from her poolside body work space. It truly is something you have no choice but to behold.

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