
Coco Austin Is Too Serious About Her Exhibition Job

When it comes to Coco, there is nothing about hide or seek, it's all about showing off. Coco was in the Big Apple for a visit to Good...

When it comes to Coco, there is nothing about hide or seek, it's all about showing off. Coco was in the Big Apple for a visit to Good Morning America and between the car and the door, she produced a pretty nice bold colored spectacle of her super size assets.

Double down combination that she's become world famous for since her super round parts first came on the public stage. Now I can tell you that the first time I ever spoke to Coco, she insist that her derrière was entirely au natural, a claim that to this die I find rather much of a stretch, or a bounce, if you will.

But natural or not, there remains the natural instinct to leer at the fine upper and lower orbs that trigger the instinctive need of males to act and speak stupid. We've all been there before. Enjoy.

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